Thursday, April 26, 2007

Book Review of A Christmas Carol by Pavnjit

Title – A Christmas Carol
Author – Charles Dickens
Genre – Ghost story
Favourite Character – Scrooge because he changes from being mean to being nice and he keeps saying “Hum Bug”.
Plot Sumary – When the mean Scrooge gets home on Christmas Eve he is visited by his old friend Marly (who is now a ghost), who tells him that in the night he will be visited by three ghosts to show him his past, future and what yet to come. Then on Christmas day he becomes really nice and helps everyone.
Most Exiting Event – is when Marly and all his chains come into the house sneakily.


At 5:58 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star: its good information for the plot summary.

star:good puntuation

wish:check your spelling

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Killermont Primary School Writing Projects said...

thank you for your comment, next time I'll check my spelling.


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