Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Tupilak book review by Lucy

Title: The Tupilak
Author: Kathryn White
Genre: Mystery story told in flashback
Plot summary: A girl called Quenna finds an ivory carved object called the Tupilak. It causes trouble and nearly causes her to die.
Favourite character: Quenna because she is very adventurous and curious.
Most exciting event: when Quenna falls into the ice and she sees a whale because it is scary and it builds up tension.
I would recommend this book for 9-12 years old because it is too hard for younger children.


At 4:01 AM, Blogger Woodhill Primary School said...

*+*STAR*+* We liked how you
described Quenna.

*+*STAR*+* We liked the way you described the whale and it makes you want to read the book.

?!WISH?! No wishes.

From Ellie, Melissa and Maliha.

At 5:32 AM, Blogger Killermont Primary School Writing Projects said...

thankyou for the comments but i could have done with a wish

At 6:13 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

*star*I like the way you said you would recomend it to 9-12 year old children.

*sar*It sounds exciting when you said "when Quenna falls into the ice and she sees a whale because it is scary and it builds up tension."

??Wish??you could add a bit more about it.


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