Thursday, April 19, 2007

Book Review on the Tupilak by Kate

Title - The Tupilak
Author - Kathryn White
Genre - Mystery story told in flashback
Plot Summary – Quenna finds an ancient piece of carved ivory in the ice. The statue plagues the whole family with bad luck. This story is about Quennas adventure to take it back where it came from.
Favourite Character – Quenna because she is in the middle of the story and the adventures are so interesting.
Most exciting event – when she sees the fox and the tension builds up because of her dog Theo’s disappearance.
I would recommend this book to my cousin Gregor because I really enjoyed it and he likes that kind of genre.


At 6:21 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star: i like your story it is quiet scary and it is interesting.

star: you have good description.

wish:add more about the story.


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