Thursday, April 19, 2007

Book Review By Katie

Title: - The Tupilak
Author: - Kathryn White
Genre: - Mystery story told in flashback
Plot Summary: - A girl called Quenna finds an object. Her grandmother tells her it’s a Tupilak with an evil curs. Lots of bad things happen so Quenna decides to get rid of the Tupilak. When she is digging in the ice to get rid of it she falls in the ice and Mikisu saves her. Quenna returns with her and things soon changed.
Favourite Character: - Grandmother because she likes to live the old way of life.
Most Exciting Event: - when the killer whale attacks Quennas kayak because she could have drowned.
I would recommend this book to people aged 10-11 because it is an interesting story but the flashbacks spoil it because you know she isn’t going to die in any of them.


At 6:34 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

Star Your story is fasinating and great description

Star the story is great because it has good adjectives

Wish!You should miss lines it will look better

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Killermont Primary School Writing Projects said...

Thank You for your comment I will miss lines the bnext time.


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