Thursday, December 07, 2006

Events in Winter by Cara

The frozen leaves,
Come of the trees,
In winter.
There are no flowers,
We are lost in its powers,
In winter.
Our fingers freeze,
As we fumble for our keys,
In winter.
It always rains,
And that is such a pain,
In winter.
As our rosy cheeks glow,
It starts to snow,
In winter.
Though all these things happen,
In winter,
We should be glad there’s no merrier,
Time of year.



At 7:35 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

Star Your voice is loud and clear

Star your poem is very nice

Wish You kept using In Winter


At 7:38 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

Star fantastic poem

Star fab adjectives

Wish Maybe a bit shorter

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Killermont Primary School Writing Projects said...

to St Flannan's
Thanks You have reallyhelped with the 2nd Star, I will use ajdectives more now.
I will not make anymore pices of writing to long. Thanks!

At 6:32 AM, Blogger Killermont Primary School Writing Projects said...

To Francesca
Thanks for those comments, I will try not to repeat anymore. Thank-you!


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