Thursday, October 05, 2006

Introducing Phil By Eilidh

I crept up to the old creaky mansion. The floor boards creaked beneath me. I shoved the giant door open. All around me were books stacked upon shelf‘s and to the right a magnificent staircase. I walked forward and I saw the figure of a man. I walked closer. He was standing extremely still. He had a long pointy nose and I would say he was the size of a child. He was very slim so he must have been weightless. One of his interesting features was the giant spot above his upper lip and his teeny eyebrows. His eyes were an interesting mauve shade. You couldn’t see his hair it was covered up with his purple hat though I bet you he had long hair. His clothes were most extraordinary too. Purple in fact. A purple penguin coat and purple pinstripe trousers. The only thing that dulled it down was the black shoes.
“Hello you must be Phil Dewy,” I mumbled.
“Well of course I am their is no one else here so it must be me,” Phil said in his truly English accent. He sounded like a totally different person to what I expected not posh at all just plain English.
“Would you mind to help me?” I enquired.
“Is this anything to do with the town?” Phil asked.
“How did you know?” I said.
“I go to the town all the time who wouldn’t. Anyway I only live ten minutes away,” Phil answered.
“But how will you be able to help me when all those scientists at the local lab have failed,” I asked.
Straight after I had said that he took me through to a room that I never knew existed. It had potions which were all bubbling noisily.
“I have a gift,” Phil mentioned slowly. ”You know the story of Frankenstein and how a scientist created him.” He said as he was fingering one of the bottles. “Well I have the gift of Frankenstein’s creator I can make any potion needed.”
I felt so much better when Phil said he would help me but their was still the problem of getting back the monsters breakfast, lunch and dinner.


At 3:49 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star: I loved the discription of his clothes.

star: I extremly liked the whole story.

wish: that you could put more full stops in sentences.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Killermont Primary School Writing Projects said...

I really appreiciate your stars and I will try to use shorter sentences.

At 6:43 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star the description was really great and also the detail

star brilliant story telling and great imagination

wish you would use less full stops and more joining words.

At 6:43 AM, Blogger Killermont Primary School Writing Projects said...

Thank you for your stars they are great. I will also try and use more joining words.


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