Thursday, November 30, 2006

Snowman Jo by Katie

I built a snowman in the garden,
He’s very round and fat,
Standing next to the front gate,
Greeting people as they pass,
I built a bolder for his body,
But just a ball for his head,
I stuck some coal in for his eyes and mouth,
And a carrot for his chubby nose,
Then I popped a hat upon his head,
I think I’ll name him Snowman Jo.


At 5:54 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

starI like the snow mans name

star i like how u described the snowman

wish i think u could make it rhyne

At 5:55 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

starI like the snow mans name

star i like how u described the snowman

wish i think u could make it rhyne


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