Thursday, October 05, 2006

Introducing Roger By Ben

I walked up to the door of the black house and knocked on it as if I was knocking on the door of a huge mansion. It was answered by a tall, skinny man who looked as if he wouldn’t weigh much. He had long, grey hair with bright green eyes and five warts on both hands. He was also wearing grey trousers and a grey jacket with a white shirt and a blue tie. He was also carrying a brown suitcase in one hand. He smiled a ghostly smile with his dry lips and told me to come in.
He led me into the kitchen and we both sat down, facing each other. Then I finally spoke up:
“Are you Roger Penmore? I asked.
“Yes, I am “, He said in a casual voice.
“Then can you -----
“Help you find that Great Dane you lost a week ago” said Roger.
“How did you know I was looking for James? I said, puzzled . “I read the newspapers” he said “I’ll find him, but I will need to use my gift of second sight.....


At 3:41 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

This is a test message.

Mr Gallagher

St Flannan's.

At 3:44 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

This is a test.

Mr Gallagher

St Flannan's

At 4:00 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star good picture

star great story

wish better discription

At 4:03 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star good picture

star great story

wish better discription

At 4:08 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star I liked the fantastic adjectives

star I liked the fact about the Good description

wish I think you
used to much ANDS


At 4:36 AM, Blogger St Flannan's said...

star I liked your description and your guy that didn't weigh much, I thouht the body had good description

star I liked how you thought of a grey top and grey trousers as well and I also liked how you got the name for him.

wish You could improve with the name. I think skinny would be a good name.


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