Monday, March 26, 2007

A Book Review of The Tupilak by Kathleen

Title: The Tupilak
Author: Kathryn White
Genre: Mystery story told in flashback.
Plot Summery: A girl called Quenna finds an ivory carving called The Tupilak but when everything goes wrong Quenna tries to get rid of it until see relises it was just a coincidence.
Favourite Character: Quenna, because she’s very curious.
Most Exciting Event: When a fire starts because I kept wandering if there’re going to put it out.
I would recommend this book to P6 and P7 because it’s quite hard.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Book Review of Black Beauty by Laura

Title – Black Beauty
Author – Anna Sewell
Genre – Story told through a horses eyes.

Favourite Character – Black Beauty because he is the main character and also my favourite tpye of horse

Plot Summary – A horse leaves his home when he is sold to a gentleman who lives in the country. He is sold again and again to masters good and bad
Most exciting event – When the barn Black Beauty is in goes on fire. I like it because it is exciting and thrilling
I recommend this book for all ages because it is told so beautifully

Book Review by Amy

Tittle- A Christmas Carol
Author- Charles Dickens
Genre- Ghost Story
Favourite Character- Scrooge because even though he is mean at the beginning he is much better at the end.
Plot Summary- Scrooge, a horrid man, goes back to his house on Christmas Eve and he is told by his old partner Marley, who is a ghost, told Scrooge that he will be visited by three ghosts. The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come to show him his past present and future. Then on Christmas Day he starts helping people all thanks to the ghosts.
Most exciting event- When Marley’s chains start coming up the stairs because it builds up tension.
I would recommend this book to people in other schools because it lets you build up a picture in your head of what the place may of looked like then.

The Tupilak Book Review by Bruce

Title - The Tupilak
Author - Kathryn White
Genre - A mystery story told in flashback
Plot Summary - Quenna (the main character) finds an evil object called the Tupilak. Bad things happen to Quenna so she goes back to the place she found the Tupilak and she tries to get rid of it, she falls into a ice hole and she is saved by a man and lady and then they return to the village and all the problems are solved.
Favourite character – I like Mikisuk because she is lively and very happy.
Most exciting event– When Quenna is attacked by a whale because it builds up tension and is scary.
I would recommend this book to anybody that likes excitement and mystery stories.

Book Review of The Tupilak By Eilidh

Title - The Tupilak
Author - Kathryn White
Genre - Mystery story told in flashback
Plot summary - Girl Quenna finds a small object called a Tupilak. She thinks it is making all her bad troubles. She decides to take it back to where it came from though she has trouble along the way.
Favourite character - Quenna because she was all about the future but still thought about the gods and the traditional way of life.
Most exciting event - When Quenna fell through the ice because you can never imagine someone coming and saving her. I also thought it was very dramatic and exciting.
I would not recommend this book because it was very hard to follow wither they were in flashback or present.