Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Mid summer Nights Dream -Scene- Shopping Mall modernised by Cara

Narrator-Two friends, both in their mid- twenties meet unexpectedly, Helena and Hermia.
Helena- Yes the new fashions are looking great!
Hermia-(sighing) yeah they are.
Helena- What’s up Mia? You look troubled.
Hermia-Well I am marrying Demetrius tomorrow, as you know. (Glumly)
Helena- (softly) Demetrius. (Pause) you must be the happiest girl EVER!
Narrator- Helena had loved Demetrius for nearly all her life, and the fact that Hermia was marrying him, made the jealousy pain worse than ever.
Hermia- Helena I could not be more miserable! You see, I don’t love him!
Helena- You don’t? (Relieved)
Hermia- No, I love Lysander, he is so sensitive and handsome. Don’t you think so Helena?
Narrator- Helena was actually thinking inside “Of course not, he is disgusting!” but she smiled.
Helena- Yeah he is. (Sweetly) so what’s the story with the marriage? (Eagerly)
Hermia- Well I asked Demetrius if we could erase the marriage.
Helena- And?
Hermia- He refused. So Lysander and I are running away!
Helena- I’m so glad for you. (Smiling)


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