Thursday, May 31, 2007

Antony and Cleopatra rewriten by Pavnjit Shergill

Narrator - Cleopatra saw Antony’s blood and ran towards him, Cleopatra and Servios lay Antony down and Cleopatra placed Antony’s head on her laps.
Antony – I am dying, Tell Caesar you have killed me; and make peace with him.
Cleopatra – NEVER!!!
Narrator – Antony’s was clenched in pain.
Antony – Then give me one more kiss before I die
Narrator – Cleopatra lowerd her head and kissed Antony... and he was gone.
Cleopatra whispers He is dead, I’ll never be happy

Narrator – Cleopatra reached into a basket and brought out a small, black snake. She fell to her throne while the snakebite her tragically.
Cleopatra – Sweet as perfume! Soft as air! OH, Antony!
Narrator – And so, she was also gone.


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