Thursday, April 26, 2007

Book Review of A Christmas Carol by Pavnjit

Title – A Christmas Carol
Author – Charles Dickens
Genre – Ghost story
Favourite Character – Scrooge because he changes from being mean to being nice and he keeps saying “Hum Bug”.
Plot Sumary – When the mean Scrooge gets home on Christmas Eve he is visited by his old friend Marly (who is now a ghost), who tells him that in the night he will be visited by three ghosts to show him his past, future and what yet to come. Then on Christmas day he becomes really nice and helps everyone.
Most Exiting Event – is when Marly and all his chains come into the house sneakily.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Knight and the Squire Book Review by Adam

Title:- The knight and the Squire

Author:- Terry Jones

Genre:- Adventure

Plot Summary:- Tom is a normal boy in 1359 but raves for adventure. So he runs away from his town meeting a knight and a squire putting himself up for more than he bargained for.

Most Interesting event:- When the knight sets a library on fire and Tom’s reaction to it. Tom’s reaction is that he becomes sad and tries to save the books and starts crying because he could read.

I would recommend this book to ages 10 and over because some bits are hard to understand.

Book Review on the Tupilak by Kate

Title - The Tupilak
Author - Kathryn White
Genre - Mystery story told in flashback
Plot Summary – Quenna finds an ancient piece of carved ivory in the ice. The statue plagues the whole family with bad luck. This story is about Quennas adventure to take it back where it came from.
Favourite Character – Quenna because she is in the middle of the story and the adventures are so interesting.
Most exciting event – when she sees the fox and the tension builds up because of her dog Theo’s disappearance.
I would recommend this book to my cousin Gregor because I really enjoyed it and he likes that kind of genre.

The Tupilak book review by Lucy

Title: The Tupilak
Author: Kathryn White
Genre: Mystery story told in flashback
Plot summary: A girl called Quenna finds an ivory carved object called the Tupilak. It causes trouble and nearly causes her to die.
Favourite character: Quenna because she is very adventurous and curious.
Most exciting event: when Quenna falls into the ice and she sees a whale because it is scary and it builds up tension.
I would recommend this book for 9-12 years old because it is too hard for younger children.

The Tupilak- book review by Cara

Title: The Tupilak
Author: Kathryn White
Genre: A Mystery story told in flashback and recent past.
Plot Summery: Queena, an Inupiaq girl whom lives in Alaska, finds an Ivory carved object and her Grandmother thinks it is an evil object called a Tupilak. Many bad events start to happen to Queena and her Family. Queena’s Grandmother blames the so- called Tupilak and the rest of the family start a debate saying that all the events were just coincidences. Queena feels unhappy about the arguing and one day sets off to return the Tupilak, and hopefully the bad omens with it.
Favourite Character: Personally my favourite character is Queena’s Grandmother. She cares about the old days much more than the modern days. In Queena’s family she represents the old way of life, as she thinks life today in Alaska should be a replica of.
Most exciting events: The fire, one of the bad events that happened to Queena and her Family, as her feelings as described wonderfully, and you can picture the terrifying fire due to the fantastic description, and you can understand what the characters are going through.
I would recommend this book to: Friends and family for its great detail. Some of the bits could be improved slightly, in my opinion, but overall a fantastic story.

Book Review By Katie

Title: - The Tupilak
Author: - Kathryn White
Genre: - Mystery story told in flashback
Plot Summary: - A girl called Quenna finds an object. Her grandmother tells her it’s a Tupilak with an evil curs. Lots of bad things happen so Quenna decides to get rid of the Tupilak. When she is digging in the ice to get rid of it she falls in the ice and Mikisu saves her. Quenna returns with her and things soon changed.
Favourite Character: - Grandmother because she likes to live the old way of life.
Most Exciting Event: - when the killer whale attacks Quennas kayak because she could have drowned.
I would recommend this book to people aged 10-11 because it is an interesting story but the flashbacks spoil it because you know she isn’t going to die in any of them.